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Scottish Jewish Tartan and Accessories 

The Jewish tartan is basically brand new to the books! It's the first tartan to represent Scotsmen of Jewish heritage! Rabbi Mendel Jacobs, a true Scot, got this tartan put on the books!

The central gold line represents the gold from the Biblical Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant and the many ceremonial vessels. The silver is from the Scroll of Law and the red represents the traditional Kiddush wine. The brightest section of the tartan is the blue and white of the Israeli and Scottish flags. There are seven lines in the central motif and three in the flag, both numbers are of great significance in the Jewish world.

We're one of a very limited amount of suppliers! Check out the products that we have available!  All of our Jewish Tartan products are guaranteed non-Shatnez, not containing any linen.